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Frocks & Divas

1h 15m Documentary 2022

After losing a close friend much too young, a group of Tauranga based dance mums decided to pool their talent and put on an event - to celebrate women over 40. Tarnished Frocks and Divas was born.

The inaugural show was debuted in 2005, MC’d by Prima Diva and kiwi legend Jackie Clarke, for one night only to an audience of 180. The group hit upon something magical and unique – the cast, crew and audience alike were hooked. And the concept took on a life of its own.

Told across 16 years and 7 previous events, this story follows the production of the 2019 Tarnished Frocks and Divas show from auditions through rehearsals, garment creation and finally a four night season at ASB Arena for the 200 strong cast and crew and audience of 8,000.

Starring Jackie Clarke and Annie Crummer along with a host of show creators, performers and designers – FROCKS AND DIVAS is a funny, heartwarming documentary on an epic scale.


Paul Innes


Sass Innes



Closed Captions [CC]

English [cc]




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